Keith Haring makes me like contemporary art.

Keith Haring (galeries-bartoux)

For the longest time, I despised and did not understand Modern Art and Contemporary Art in general. That's one of the reasons I'm taking this class. I love art I love history and by taking this class I'm realizing why contemporary and Modern Artists are the way they are. I never understood why artists could just tape a banana to a wall and call it art and sell it for millions of dollars or someone could throw scribbles and paint splatter on a canvas and call it a masterpiece. I truly did not understand how something so simple and something that could be done by literally anyone could be seen as a masterful piece of artwork. 

    That all changed when I found out about Keith Haring Keith Haring's artwork at its surface level is not that incredible technically speaking it's flat there are not that many dimensions he uses a similar color palette throughout all of his pieces and there's virtually no fine detail.  that all being said to me never mattered Keith Haring represents something indescribable.  Keith Haring started out doing street art throughout New York I love seeing videos of him spray painting in the subway and getting arrested by the police it's so funny to me such an established artist being arrested for what a scene as a street medium. He created artwork to talk about important social and political topics and give emotion through emotionalist figures.  

     I think the charm of Keith Haring’s work comes in the fact that anyone can do it the figures illicit a sense that anyone can pick up and draw one.  I think the main difference is the use of movement without any visible features you know what the figures are feeling and doing and the emotion that they're putting out.  His paintings are so full of life and color and overall are just fun to look at.  It's art you can put on a hat or a mug or a t-shirt or have it on a poster it's somehow commercial and accessible without any virtual fine detail as I  mentioned earlier. 

The picture I put below is one of my favorite Keith Haring pieces.


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